Chapter 6 is out – Back to School

My coaching course is in now in full swing. I have been struggling at times with getting structure in my life and with the self-discipline of studying, working and my free time. I haven’t studied for 30 odd years so my studying technique is very rusty. All of us who...

Vårda dina klämda mellanchefer

Mellancheferna är nyckelspelare i din organisation men har de kompetens att hantera sin utsatta situation? Verto har förstärkt sitt ledarerbjudande och utvecklat ett ledarutvecklingsprogram speciellt för mellanchefen. I artikeln nedan kan du läsa mer om ett nyligen...

Egenanställning – För vem?

Egenanställning är en anställningsform som växer mycket snabbt. Mellan 2011 – 2016 har antalet egenanställda i Sverige ökat med nästan 700% från 4000 till mer än 34 000 anställda. Med egenanställda menas personer som utför arbete på uppdrag och inte själva har...

Read Chapter 5 of Alison´s Blog – The final countdown

I have just taken the whole of July as vacation and recharged my batteries. My employer made us all take four weeks holiday to reduce what they need to pay at the end of our employment. When they informed me that I had to take four weeks holiday I resented it. I...

Read chapter 4 of Alison´s blog

Job Search Towards the end of 2017, before I was made redundant, I started looking for job vacancies for the first time in 30 years. It was fairly obvious that we would be downsizing and that what had once been a fantastic company where you could develop, grow and be...

Swings and Roundabouts – Chapter 3 of Alisons´s blog is out

Redundancy is truly a question of swings, roundabouts and roller coaster rides. Last month I started by saying “what an amazing month this has been”. This month starts with “where on earth did this month go and what, if anything, have I achieved?” This month has been...