Ett webbinarium arrangerat av Naturvetarna
How can you make the right people notice you—whether it’s recruiters, employers, or professionals in your field?
In this webinar, Alison Sjöström from Verto Konsult will share key strategies to help you craft a compelling LinkedIn profile, a standout CV, and an application letter that gets attention. Learn how to effectively present your skills, communicate your value, and position yourself for the opportunities you want. Whether you’re exploring career paths, preparing for your next step, or looking to expand your professional network, this session will give you the tools to make a lasting impression.
Although the session is in English the presenter is fluent in English and Swedish and questions will be welcomed and answered in both languages.
Startar: 2025-02-19 12:00
Slutar: 2025-02-19 13:00
Plats: Digital