Increased focus is needed on “trailing spouses” moving to Sweden. Statistics show that almost one in ten return early from expatriate assignments because of issues with the spouse rather than challenges with the employee. This a costly exercise for a company and puts enormous strain on the family. The well-being and success of a “trailing spouse” who has often had to put their career on the backburner has a huge impact on the success of a foreign assignment. Spouses often lack self-fulfilment, identity and purpose and quite frequently suffer from depression. An employee who is happy in the home will also be happy at work and a good ambassador for the company.
A way so attracting and retaining talent can be for the spouse or partner to be offered career coaching as a part of the relocation package. This gives a sense of meaning and helps with integration into daily Swedish life.
If you are interested in learning more feel free to drop in for a cup of coffee and we can tell you all about our services.

cheers Alison